Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem

Lieutenancy Canada, Toronto

Frequently Asked Questions

  • One does not request admission to the EOHSJ. It is usually done anonymously by current member suggestions. Interested persons should take it upon themselves to familiarize themselves with existing members and their name would be put forward unaware to the prospective member.

  • The Investiture Process takes approximately one year and the candidate must be fully oriented to the activities of the Order, such as a regular attendance and participation at the various functions held by the Order.

  • Activities include Parish Visitations, Easter Vigil, Days of Reflection, Investiture/Promotion Ceremonies, the biannual Dinner for the Ordinary, and the Annual General Meeting.

  • According to the rules of the Grand Magisterium, the minimum age is 30 years old, however a more mature age is recommended.