Novena Series 2023/2024

We pray novenas for a specific intention or grace, such as for a loved one, healing, forgiveness, clarity with a big decision, etc. However, they aren’t magic. We cannot assume that our prayers will be answered immediately. And, sometimes, what we pray for isn’t exactly what we need. Rather, we pray novenas to grow in patience and place our trust in God, just as the Apostles prayed in anticipation of the Holy Spirit coming to them.

We pray novenas to become disciples, growing in discipline and opening our hearts to God’s will. Whether our intention is answered or not, we finish the nine days in gratitude for God’s presence in our lives.  

St. Joseph the Worker Novena

St Joseph represents the true model of work for Catholics and all people, since he had the supreme honor of working with Jesus Christ in the carpenter shop at Nazareth. Pray this novena for finding a job and for help with your work.

9 Day Novena

Start: Apr 22nd 2024

St. Christopher Novena

St Cyril of Jerusalem was priest then bishop of the Church in the 300s. Pray this novena for catechists and catechumens wanting to enter the Church.

9 Day Novena

Start: July 16th 2024

Holy Name of Jesus Novena

Since the time of the Apostles, the Church has reverenced the Holy Name of Jesus. Philippians 2:10 says Pray this novena for greater devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus.

9 Day Novena

Start: Dec 25th 2024

Longer Novenas

Novenas that run for longer than 9 days require an additional sign-up

Rosary Novena

54 Day Novena

Start: Nov 1th 2024